Logo design and artwork for Ngarrama, a free public event hosted by The University of Newcastle, in partnership with Awabakal Ltd and with support from the City of Newcastle to engage the community in meaningful reconciliation through truth telling and historical acceptance.
Ngarrama is an opportunity for the Newcastle community to come together on the eve of Australia Day to reflect on traditional life in Mooloobinba before 1788 and to celebrate the richness and resilience of First Nations culture - in particular the Awabakal and Worimi people, the traditional owners of the land upon which Newcastle now stands.
Ngarrama translates to 'to sit, listen and know’. As the name captures, it will be a time for listening and quiet reflection through the sharing of stories, knowledge and culture.
The program will include a smoking ceremony, welcome to country, traditional dance, music, storytelling and knowledge sharing.
The Ngarrama artwork is a digital painting of the Nobbys Coastline and surrounding landscape before European settlement. Throughout the artwork are traditional Aboriginal symbols (campsites, animal tracks, and fish) to acknowledge how the traditional custodians of this land would have depicted their surroundings in art.

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